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Superfood Smoothies Volume 2: 100 Delicious, Energizing & Nutrient-dense Recipes - Julie Morris's Superfoods (Hardback)
  • Superfood Smoothies Volume 2: 100 Delicious, Energizing & Nutrient-dense Recipes - Julie Morris's Superfoods (Hardback)

Superfood Smoothies Volume 2: 100 Delicious, Energizing & Nutrient-dense Recipes - Julie Morris's Superfoods (Hardback)

Hardback 208 Pages
Published: 07/05/2013
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Everyone loves smoothies - and this is the ultimate smoothie book, written by Julie Morris, author of Superfood Kitchen and a superfood expert! Morris whips up 100 nutrient-rich recipes using the world's most antioxidant-, vitamin- and mineral-packed foods, and offers innovative culinary methods for making your smoothies incredibly nutritious and delicious. Whether you're looking for an energy boost, seeking a gentle cleanse, or just trying to get healthy, you'll be inspired to power up the blender.

Publisher: Union Square & Co.
ISBN: 9781454905592
Number of pages: 208
Dimensions: 216 x 191 mm

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