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Strategies for International Scientific Co-Operation in South-East Europe - NATO Science Series: Science & Technology Policy Vol 30 (Hardback)
  • Strategies for International Scientific Co-Operation in South-East Europe - NATO Science Series: Science & Technology Policy Vol 30 (Hardback)

Strategies for International Scientific Co-Operation in South-East Europe - NATO Science Series: Science & Technology Policy Vol 30 (Hardback)

(editor), (editor), (editor)
Hardback 210 Pages
Published: 01/01/2000

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The main message of this text concerns the role of partnership and the involement of a variety of players in international scientific co-operation in South-East Europe, particularly the the role of industry. A new balance must be established between the "internal" international scientific co-operation and the search for new forms and methods on the individual and institutional level for coping strategies. Topics discussed include: national strategies of co-operation; impact on economic development; regional and global strategies; and networks. Contributors to this book came from many different institutions, such as universities or private consulting firms.

Publisher: IOS Press
ISBN: 9789051994933
Number of pages: 210

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