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Social Work with Children and Families (Paperback)
  • Social Work with Children and Families (Paperback)

Social Work with Children and Families (Paperback)

Paperback 352 Pages
Published: 20/03/2012
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Social workers are constantly making decisions under pressure. How do policy, law, research and theory influence what they do? This important book provides the answers with a crystal-clear map of the field of social work with children and families.

Focused on four major themes - family support work, child protection, adoption and fostering, and residential child care, and reveals in detail all the challenges that social workers face every day. Edited by the highly respected Martin Davies, this authoritative and illuminating book argues that the skill of the social worker can have life-enhancing consequences for some of the most vulnerable people in society. It is an essential investment for students, educators and practitioners alike.

Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc
ISBN: 9780230293854
Number of pages: 352
Weight: 608 g


'Where social work should be going.' - Trish Hafford-Letchfield, Senior Lecturer, Middlesex University, UK 'A thoughtful overview both for qualifying students and those with more expertise.' - Rachel Balen, Principal Lecturer in Social Work, University of Huddersfield, UK 'With its emphasis on the current, the critical and the creative, this book takes a fresh and often fascinating look at social work with children and families.' - Rona Woodward, Lecturer in Social Work, University of Stirling, UK '...the book is an easy, accessible read and will be an invaluable introductory text for social work students, as well as newly-qualified and more experienced practitioners.' - Professional Social Work

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