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Scroll Saw Workbook, 3rd Edition: Learn to Master Your Scroll Saw in 25 Skill-Building Chapters (Paperback)
  • Scroll Saw Workbook, 3rd Edition: Learn to Master Your Scroll Saw in 25 Skill-Building Chapters (Paperback)

Scroll Saw Workbook, 3rd Edition: Learn to Master Your Scroll Saw in 25 Skill-Building Chapters (Paperback)

Paperback 96 Pages
Published: 01/09/2014
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This is the ultimate beginner's guide to the scroll saw. It features 25 skill-building chapters, each culminating in a relevant project. The new edition features an updated, objective guide to the latest equipment models. Use this ultimate beginner's scroll saw guide to hone your scrolling skills to perfection. You'll find everything you need to know here, boiled down to the best and simplest methods. Practice a specific technique in each of 25 skill-building chapters, and then use that skill to make an attractive project. As you progress, each chapter builds upon the previous skills you've already learned. By the time you've completed the book, you'll be ready to tackle any scrollsaw project with experience and confidence. You can begin with the basics of cutting straight, curved, and jagged lines, and then progress to more advanced techniques like stack cutting, relief, inlay, compound, segmentation and more. Project patterns include die-cut stationary, a fish silhouette, a butterfly with interior cuts, a hummingbird ornament, and a collapsible wooden basket.This new third edition provides an objective guide to all of the scroll saw models available in today's market, updated to include information on new scroll saw manufactures.

Publisher: Fox Chapel Publishing
ISBN: 9781565238497
Number of pages: 96
Weight: 413 g
Dimensions: 279 x 216 x 8 mm

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