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Sacred Legacies (Paperback)
  • Sacred Legacies (Paperback)

Sacred Legacies (Paperback)

Paperback 224 Pages
Published: 24/03/2014
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We are shaped by our past. The way we preceive the world is a direct result of the influence of our immediate family, our ancestors and our cultural roots. In this inspirational yet down-to-earth book, lecturer and healer Denise Linn shows us how to draw upon the wellspring of ancestral wisdom that dwells within us. She also suggests how to identify and heal the negative aspects of this inheritance, to avoid passing the mistakes of the past onto those who come after us. SACRED LEGACIES offers a remarkable blueprint for the times ahead. By following the many practical ideas within, we can create a legacy of hope, love and joy to be handed down through the generations - and into the future.

Publisher: Ebury Publishing
ISBN: 9781846044380
Number of pages: 224
Weight: 156 g
Dimensions: 198 x 126 x 14 mm

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