Deliciously redolent of the backstreets and barrios of the hidden Spain, Nooteboom’s enticingly written and invitingly accessible history of this remarkable country is a true tour de force. Intimate in tone yet expansive in outlook, Roads to Santiago should be in every global traveller’s book collection.
A many-tangented pilgrimage through ten centuries of Spain's history, its politics, its art, literature and architecture, its climate and its people, in which Nooteboom unlocks doors to an undiscovered Spain and reveals his obsession for a country he has come to know intimately over the course of forty years.
Publisher: Vintage Publishing
ISBN: 9781860464195
Number of pages: 368
Weight: 258 g
Dimensions: 198 x 130 x 22 mm
One of the great books about Spain - Tristan Garel-Jones, Observer
His prose is as sturdy as a good Rioja, and equally delicious - Sara Wheeler
With this immensely attractive book, Cees Nooteboom joins a select band of writer... who have the rare ability to evoke the soul of a nation. No one with a feeling for Spain should fail to read this book - Daily Telegraph
Invites the reader to share the excitement, experiences, even food, that the author has encountered while weaving his way through [Spain] slowly and deliciously... Mr. Nooteboom lingers in out-of-the-way places most tourists miss - New York Times Book Review
Nooteboom plunges fervently into the fabric of Spain itself - San Francisco Chronicle
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