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Revisiting Moral Panics - Moral Panics in Theory and Practice (Paperback)
  • Revisiting Moral Panics - Moral Panics in Theory and Practice (Paperback)

Revisiting Moral Panics - Moral Panics in Theory and Practice (Paperback)

(editor), (editor), (editor)
Paperback 316 Pages
Published: 15/06/2016
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We live in a world that is increasingly characterised as full of risk, danger and threat. Every day a new social issue emerges to assail our sensibilities and consciences. Drawing on the popular Economic Social and Research Council (ESRC) seminar series, this book examines these social issues and anxieties, and the solutions to them, through the concept of moral panic.

With a commentary by Charles Critcher and contributions from both well-known and up-and-coming researchers and practitioners, this is a stimulating and innovative overview of moral panic ideas, which will be an essential resource.

Publisher: Bristol University Press
ISBN: 9781447321866
Number of pages: 316
Dimensions: 234 x 156 mm


"A very good introduction to the continuing relevance and dynamism of the concept of moral panics in contemporary times." - Journal of Social Work "It provides a fresh angle, and contributes to updating and developing the original concept." Jan Fook, Professor of Higher Education Pedagogy, Leeds Trinity "The 'Revisiting Moral Panics' seminar series was a fantastic success. The book lives up to it fully, constantly engaging the reader in the struggle to make social scientific sense of real world events and preoccupations." Mark Drakeford AM, Cardiff West "A timely international collection on the adaptation of moral panics analysis to contemporary social work issues." Shereen Hussein, British Journal of Social Work

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