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Resilient Health Systems: What We Know; What We Should Do - European Health Management in Transition (Paperback)
  • Resilient Health Systems: What We Know; What We Should Do - European Health Management in Transition (Paperback)

Resilient Health Systems: What We Know; What We Should Do - European Health Management in Transition (Paperback)

(author), (author)
Paperback 176 Pages
Published: 23/02/2022
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Since February 2020 the COVID-19 pandemic has strained health systems worldwide. Despite several measures adopted, including the deployment of emergency funds to sustain health service transformations and investment in vaccine development, the crisis has taken over a year to be controlled. The consequences are still affecting the capacity and capabilities of health systems.

In light of the ongoing pandemic, this book explores the factors determining the ability of health systems to cope with and recover from a crisis, and therefore their level of resilience. The term resilience has gained momentum in health systems research, with several scholars contributing to the definition of the concept. Providing a comprehensive health system resilience agenda, policy-makers, public health specialists, health managers, scholars and practitioners will find in this work both a grounded framework for the assessment of the level of resilience of healthcare systems and organizations, and specific actionable changes that should be pursued to consolidate and improve that level of resilience.

Ultimately, this work identifies desirable paths of action through the investigation of real-world cases to improve health systems and organizations capacity and capability to face any future dramatic crisis.

Publisher: Emerald Publishing Limited
ISBN: 9781802622768
Number of pages: 176
Weight: 190 g
Dimensions: 198 x 129 x 9 mm

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