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Refashioning the Renaissance: Everyday Dress in Europe, 1500–1650 - Studies in Design and Material Culture (Hardback)
  • Refashioning the Renaissance: Everyday Dress in Europe, 1500–1650 - Studies in Design and Material Culture (Hardback)

Refashioning the Renaissance: Everyday Dress in Europe, 1500–1650 - Studies in Design and Material Culture (Hardback)

Hardback 376 Pages
Published: 28/01/2025
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How did ordinary men and women dress in early modern Europe? What fabrics and garments formed the essential elements of fashion for artisans and shopkeepers? Did they rely on affordable alternatives to the silks, jewellery and decorations favoured by the wealthy elite? Or did those with modest means find innovative ways to express their fashion sense?

This book provides new perspectives on early modern clothing and fashion history by investigating the consumption and meaning of fashionable clothing and accessories among the ‘popular’ classes. Through a close examination of the materials, craftsmanship and cultural significance of fashion items owned by and available to a broad group of consumers, it challenges conventional assumptions that the everyday dress of ordinary families was limited to a narrow selection of garments made of coarse textiles, often produced at home and resistant to change.

Publisher: Manchester University Press
ISBN: 9781526164650
Number of pages: 376
Weight: 997 g
Dimensions: 240 x 170 x 29 mm

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