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Readerful Rise: Oxford Reading Level 9: My Holiday on Planet Earth - Readerful Rise (Paperback)
  • Readerful Rise: Oxford Reading Level 9: My Holiday on Planet Earth - Readerful Rise (Paperback)

Readerful Rise: Oxford Reading Level 9: My Holiday on Planet Earth - Readerful Rise (Paperback)

(illustrator), (author)
Paperback 96 Pages
Published: 27/06/2024
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Glomp the alien is visiting Earth. What will Glomp think about the circus and what will the humans think of Glomp? My Holiday on Planet Earth is at Oxford Reading Level 9. It is for readers aged 7 to 11 years old who are working below expected standard in their reading. The Readerful Rise series ensures that older struggling readers have books with age-appropriate content and topics, that look like the books their peers are enjoying, but are written at a level they can read successfully.

Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9781382043649
Number of pages: 96
Weight: 130 g
Dimensions: 187 x 130 x 7 mm

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