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Putting on the Brakes Activity Book for Kids With ADD or ADHD (Paperback)
  • Putting on the Brakes Activity Book for Kids With ADD or ADHD (Paperback)

Putting on the Brakes Activity Book for Kids With ADD or ADHD (Paperback)

(author), (author), (illustrator)
Paperback 96 Pages
Published: 15/03/2009

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This updated edition of the bestselling classic is packed with fun exercises for kids with attention difficulties.

This book will challenge kids and empower them to be the best they can be!

What's Inside:
  • All about AD/HD
  • All about You
  • Help Managing your AD/HD
  • Friendships
  • Getting Organized
  • Sharpening Your Skills
  • Succeeding in School
The activities are comprehensive and cover practically every area in a kid’s life that AD/HD can affect: school; home; behavior and emotion control/regulation; health and nutrition; and self-awareness/self-esteem. It also provides more general information on AD/HD. All of the information is presented to kids in fun, engaging activities that challenge their skills and empower them to strive to be their best. Includes an Introduction for Parents and Professionals.

Publisher: American Psychological Association
ISBN: 9781433804410
Number of pages: 96
Dimensions: 279 x 216 mm


"Putting on the Brakes Activity Book is loaded with fun, engaging activities to help children with AD/HD understand themselves better and gain control over their lives. The easy-to-do activities help children learn how to make and keep friends, stay organized, and improve academic skills. When my students tried some of the activities, I saw immediate results, and so did they!"—Elizabeth Crames Grossman, MA, MEd, learning specialist and private tutor for children with special needs

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