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Process Science and Engineering for Water and Wastewater Treatment - Essential Reference Bundle (Paperback)
  • Process Science and Engineering for Water and Wastewater Treatment - Essential Reference Bundle (Paperback)

Process Science and Engineering for Water and Wastewater Treatment - Essential Reference Bundle (Paperback)

(editor), (editor)
Paperback 298 Pages
Published: 01/03/2002
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Process Science and Engineering for Water and Wastewater Treatment is the first in a new series of distance learning course books from IWA Publishing. The new series intends to help readers become familiar with design, operation and management of water and wastewater treatment processes without having to refer to any other texts. Process engineering is considered fundamental to successful water and wastewater treatment and Process Science and Engineering for Water and Wastewater Treatment provides the fundamental chemistry, biology and engineering knowledge needed to learn and understand the underlying scientific principles directly relevant to water and wastewater treatment processes. Units in the text covering chemistry and biology include: fundamentals of water chemistry; chemical kinetics and equilibria; colloid and surface chemistry; fundamentals of microbiology; fundamentals biochemistry and microbial kinetics. The concept of Process Engineering is introduced through units on: mass and heat balances; mass and heat transfer; reactor design theory; engineering hydraulics and particle settlement. The text is designed for individual study at the learner?s own pace. Each section contains multiple features to aid learning, including: boxes highlighting key learning points exercises and problems with fully worked solutions to help the reader test their understanding as they progress through the text a comprehensive set of self-assessment questions (with answers) at the end of each unit Designed as a starting point for the other books in the Water and Wastewater Process Technologies Series, this book also provides a self-contained course of learning in the science and engineering for water and wastewater treatment processes. It forms part of the Masters degree programme taught in the School of Water Sciences at Cranfield University, UK.

Publisher: IWA Publishing
ISBN: 9781900222754
Number of pages: 298
Dimensions: 234 x 156 x 18 mm

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