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Principles of International Investment Law (Paperback)
  • Principles of International Investment Law (Paperback)

Principles of International Investment Law (Paperback)

(author), (author), (author)
Paperback 560 Pages
Published: 06/01/2022
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This book outlines the principles behind the international law of foreign investment. The main focus is on the law governed by bilateral and multilateral investment treaties. It traces the purpose, context, and evolution of the clauses and provisions characteristic of contemporary investment treaties, and analyses the case law, interpreting the issues raised by standard clauses. Particular consideration is given to broad treaty-rules whose understanding in practice has mainly been shaped by their interpretation and application by international tribunals. In addition, the book introduces the dispute settlement mechanisms for enforcing investment law, outlining the operation of Investor-State arbitration.

Combining a systematic analytical study of the texts and principles underlying investment law with a jurisprudential analysis of the case law arising in international tribunals, this book offers an ideal introduction to the principles of international investment law and arbitration, for students, scholars, and practitioners alike.

Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780192857811
Number of pages: 560
Weight: 810 g
Dimensions: 234 x 154 x 26 mm


Review from previous edition This book is an exceptional guide for practitioners and students alike and an essential reference tool for investment arbitration cases. - Crina Baltag, Queen Mary, University of London

The expansion of bilateral investment treaties (BITs) and regional agreements dealing with investment, and the increasing number of awards applying them in disputes between foreign investors and host States makes this book quite timely. Although there have been several efforts to present the subject-matter in a single volume, this is the first successful attempt to do so in clear and authoritative terms, maintaining an appropriate balance between conciseness and completeness...this work not only deals with "principles" as the title indicates, but systematically and meticulously covers all the issues that have presented themselves in this subsector of international law. - Giorgio Sacerdoti, Italian Yearbook of International Law, Vol XVIII

Clearly written and take[s] a comprehensive approach to the major issues and principles of international investment law...a useful guide not only for novices in the field of investment law, but also for experienced practitioners since [it] represent[s] a powerful reference tool...[The book is] equally useful for counsel representing investors and states, arbitrators and negotiators of investment treaties, as [it] contain[s] excellent information and references, as well as pertinent commentaries and stimulating ideas. - Crina Baltag, British Yearbook of International Law

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