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Prince Harry: Brother. Soldier. Son. Husband. (Hardback)
  • Prince Harry: Brother. Soldier. Son. Husband. (Hardback)

Prince Harry: Brother. Soldier. Son. Husband. (Hardback)

Hardback 384 Pages
Published: 11/09/2014

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By the author of the top 10 bestseller The Duchess, this is the Prince Harry you've never read about before - this is the story behind the tabloid stories. The Prince who has the power to make or break. The maverick Prince, who is brilliant, impetuous and unpredictable. The Prince who with his unique talents, charm and bloody-minded determination is changing lives across the world. But the Prince who could, in a moment of madness, bring it all crashing down.

He is the redhead that Diana called 'the spare', whose childhood was one of chaos and loss; the little boy walking behind his mother's cortege who broke our hearts. This is the story of how he survived the loss and chaos; how he lived in the shadow of his older, cleverer, more important brother - until suddenly he discovered there was something he could do better than almost anyone. This is the story of how the troubled teenager grew into a leader of men, a soldier, a pilot, an adventurer and a passionate champion of those who are in danger of being destroyed or forgotten.

Written with the help of many of the most important people in his life, this is the first authoritative biography of this most delightful, charismatic and dangerous of the Queen's grandsons.

Publisher: Hodder & Stoughton
ISBN: 9781444777925
Number of pages: 384
Weight: 654 g
Dimensions: 240 x 162 x 36 mm

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