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Preventing and Sanctioning Hindrances to the Right of Individual Petition Before the European Court of Human Rights (Paperback)
  • Preventing and Sanctioning Hindrances to the Right of Individual Petition Before the European Court of Human Rights (Paperback)

Preventing and Sanctioning Hindrances to the Right of Individual Petition Before the European Court of Human Rights (Paperback)

Paperback 215 Pages
Published: 11/07/2011
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Whereas it is common today to focus on the overwhelming backlog of applications before the European Court of Human Rights, this book deliberately shows that the Court in Strasbourg could be seized by even more applicants if States Parties really confirmed to Article 34 ECHR, according to which "The High Contracting Parties undertake not to hinder in any way the effective exercise of this right". In the past fifty years however, more and more direct or indirect hindrances have been devised. This volume takes a very concrete and practical look at these hindrances and brings together both researchers and human rights defenders. After an introduction to the topic in Part 1, the second part of the book analyses the hindrances involving the most vulnerable groups (prisoners, migrants and foreigners) while the final Part deals with concrete experiences and sets forth a number of recommendations for a better prevention and sanctioning of these hindrances.

Publisher: Intersentia Ltd
ISBN: 9781780680132
Number of pages: 215
Dimensions: 240 x 160 mm


This book is unique in drawing much-needed attention to this pressing issue, in assessing the multifarious ways in which citizens are obstructed in seeking redress for violations of their rights and in exploring potential solutions. Its great strength is to bring together academics and researchers, practising lawyers, NGO representatives and Council of Europe officials - from a range of subject areas and with an impressive geographical spread - to apply a multi-disciplinary rigour to these questions.' Professor Philip Leach, London Metropolitan University 'This publication - focusing on practice throughout- illuminates a topic that has rather been neglected in the past. [...]. No human rights library should be without it' Eduard Christian Schopfer in Newsletter Menschenrechte (NLMR) 6/2011, 399, 400 '[a]n incentive and inspiration to those who want to explore the question of how to solve the issue of hindrances further.' Jasmina Mackic in 2012 CMLR 2056.

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