Plan a New Website in 90 Minutes - In 90 Minutes (Paperback)
  • Plan a New Website in 90 Minutes - In 90 Minutes (Paperback)

Plan a New Website in 90 Minutes - In 90 Minutes (Paperback)

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Paperback 140 Pages
Published: 20/06/2007

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This is another in the 'in Ninety Minutes' series, which offers the reader a comprehensive but easily readable and easily digestible text covering a specific topic in an hour and a half of study. Here at last is a jargon-free, practical guide for the "non-techy" business manager who is thinking about creating a business website. It explains the various potential benefits for small businesses of having a website, and explains the way in which the website should be planned in order to achieve these benefits. Areas covered include: planning the content of the website; securing the right hosting environment; design and appearance of the website; interactive options; e-commerce payment and delivery systems; monitoring traffic to the website; and organising administration of the site. This concise guide tells you everything you need to know to get your business onto the Net.

Publisher: Management Books 2000 Ltd
ISBN: 9781852525415
Number of pages: 140
Weight: 215 g
Dimensions: 210 x 148 x 8 mm

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“Plan a New Website in 90 Minutes”

it might not be much to look at but this is an excellent guide to everything you should think about before building, or hiring someone to build, a website. no nonsense, thorough and written in non-techie plain english.

Paperback edition
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