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Personals (Paperback)
  • Personals (Paperback)

Personals (Paperback)

Paperback 120 Pages
Published: 30/07/2012
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The poems in Ian Williams's Personals are jittery, plaintive, and decidedly fresh. They are almost-love poems, voiced through a startling variety of speakers who continually rev themselves up to the challenge of connecting with others, often to no avail. Williams pays beautiful homage to traditional poetic forms: ghazals, a pantoum, blank sonnets, mock-heroic couplets, while simultaneously showcasing his own inventiveness and linguistic dexterity through the creation of brand new forms: poems that spin into indeterminacy, poems that don't end. With a deft hand and playful ear, Williams entices the reader to stumble alongside his characters as they search, again and again, for intimacy, for touch, for each other.

Publisher: Broadview Press Ltd
ISBN: 9781554811045
Number of pages: 120
Weight: 220 g
Dimensions: 228 x 152 x 5 mm

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