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Our Iceberg is Melting: Changing and Succeeding Under Any Conditions (Hardback)
  • Our Iceberg is Melting: Changing and Succeeding Under Any Conditions (Hardback)

Our Iceberg is Melting: Changing and Succeeding Under Any Conditions (Hardback)

(author), (author)
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Hardback 176 Pages
Published: 05/10/2017
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In Our Iceberg is Melting, a simple fable about penguins encapsulates vital truths about embracing change and illustrates how adaptability can yield prosperity, while resistance can lead to peril, in an ever-changing world.

The penguins are living happily on their iceberg as they have done for many years. Then one curious penguin discovers a potentially devastating problem threatening their home – and pretty much no one listens to him.

The characters in this fable are like people we recognize, even ourselves. Their story is one of resistance to change and heroic action, confusion and insight, seemingly intractable obstacles and the most clever tactics for dealing with those obstacles. It is a story that is occurring in different forms around us today – but the penguins handle change a great deal better than most of us.

The insightful lessons you can learn from this short and easy-to-read book, based on the pioneering work of John Kotter, will empower you in work, family, and community. They will help you to make smart change happen faster and better, especially in an era of relentless change.

This edition celebrates ten years since the publication of this classic business fable with new and improved illustrations and a foreword by Spencer Johnson, author of Who Moved My Cheese?

Publisher: Pan Macmillan
ISBN: 9781509830114
Number of pages: 176
Weight: 470 g
Dimensions: 222 x 152 x 18 mm


Whether you work in a business or the business of life, everyone from CEOs to high school students can gain from what they take from this story - Spencer Johnson, M.D., author of Who Moved My Cheese?

. . . companies should buy a copy for everyone from the CEO to the stock clerk - Michelle Archer, USA Today

I ordered and distributed sixty copies, evaluated its effect on our change effort, and then ordered five hundred more. . . . This is a gem - Heidi King, Department of Defense

The penguins in this book will not only steal your heart, they’ll make you a smarter person - Mary Tyler Moore, actress, producer, director, and Academy Award nominee

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“Our Iceberg is Melting”

With the inescapable onlaught of global enviromental turmoil to say the least, this book serves a powerful and important guide. Put in straightforward and yet informative ways, this is an insightful guide to dealing... More

Hardback edition
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