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One Hundred Days of Inspiration: Devotional for Women of All Ages & Stages - Trim Healthy Mama (Paperback)
  • One Hundred Days of Inspiration: Devotional for Women of All Ages & Stages - Trim Healthy Mama (Paperback)

One Hundred Days of Inspiration: Devotional for Women of All Ages & Stages - Trim Healthy Mama (Paperback)

(author), (author), (author), (author)
Paperback 272 Pages
Published: 13/11/2014
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Trim Healthy Mama's new devotional will help motivate you daily to keep both your body healthy and your soul healthy! A unique devotional book written from the heart from three generations--grandmother, daughters, and grand-daughter. The Apostle John wrote in his third letter, "I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers." Not only is this book written from three generations, but it nourishes the whole person--body, soul, and spirit. God's eternal truths which have been embraced and proved by three generations of women will also bring inspiration and life to your whole being.

Publisher: Carpenter's Son Publishing
ISBN: 9781940262451
Number of pages: 272
Dimensions: 228 x 152 mm

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