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Obstetric Medicine - Oxford Specialist Handbooks in Obstetrics and Gynaecology (Paperback)
  • Obstetric Medicine - Oxford Specialist Handbooks in Obstetrics and Gynaecology (Paperback)

Obstetric Medicine - Oxford Specialist Handbooks in Obstetrics and Gynaecology (Paperback)

(author), (author)
Paperback 608 Pages
Published: 02/07/2020
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Obstetric Medicine, the first title in a new Oxford Specialist Handbooks series covering Obstetrics and Gynaecology, contains relevant, accessible, and focused information to help both general physicians to manage medical conditions during pregnancy, and the specialist obstetrician manage general medicine in the pregnant patient.

Pregnant women regularly present with medical problems to many different medical specialties, and as their physiology is changed by the pregnancy, so too is the way in which many chronic illnesses behave. There are also differences in which drugs or investigations may be appropriate during pregnancy. This new specialist handbook provides a comprehensive overview of medical conditions in the pregnant patient, and covers the syllabus for both the RCOG Advanced Training Skills Module (ATSM) and the maternal medicine for obstetric trainees.

Filled with links to national and international guidelines, expert advice, and evidence-based management strategies for a range of acute and chronic conditions that can occur in the pregnant woman, this handbook is an essential new addition to the literature for all physicians who work with pregnant patients in their practice.

Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780198821540
Number of pages: 608
Weight: 298 g
Dimensions: 181 x 106 x 22 mm

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