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Numicon: Number, Pattern and Calculating 3 Explorer Progress Books ABC (Mixed pack) - Numicon (Paperback)
  • Numicon: Number, Pattern and Calculating 3 Explorer Progress Books ABC (Mixed pack) - Numicon (Paperback)

Numicon: Number, Pattern and Calculating 3 Explorer Progress Books ABC (Mixed pack) - Numicon (Paperback)

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Paperback 24 Pages
Published: 01/05/2014
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Numicon builds a deep understanding of maths through a multi-sensory approach, developing children's fluency, reasoning and problem-solving.

The Numicon Number, Pattern and Calculating 3 Explorer Progress Books support the activities in the Numicon Number, Pattern and Calculating 3 Teaching Resource Handbook and are a great assessment tool, allowing teachers to gather evidence of children's achievements.

The books contain fun and engaging activities for children to complete. Each activity links to a topic from the Teaching Resource Handbook, offering you opportunities to assess individual children's understanding and monitor progress. Children have the freedom to record their answers in their own way, allowing you to see their thinking. The use of real-life contexts allows you to assess children's ability to apply their mathematics learning when faced with 'non-routine' problems.

The Numicon Number, Pattern and Calculating 3 Explorer Progress Book ABC mixed pack contains 1 copy of :-

- Numicon Number Pattern and Calculating 3 Explorer Progress Book A

- Numicon Number Pattern and Calculating 3 Explorer Progress Book B

- Numicon Number Pattern and Calculating 3 Explorer Progress Book C

Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780198389590
Number of pages: 24
Weight: 234 g
Dimensions: 304 x 230 x 5 mm


Numicon has become part of what I do when teaching maths. It has become an integral part of maths lessons because it works! However did we teach maths before Numicon? - Maths Coordinator, Chandlings Manor School, Oxfordshire

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