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Narratives And Spaces: Technology and the Construction of American Culture - Representing American Culture (Paperback)
  • Narratives And Spaces: Technology and the Construction of American Culture - Representing American Culture (Paperback)

Narratives And Spaces: Technology and the Construction of American Culture - Representing American Culture (Paperback)

Paperback 240 Pages
Published: 01/10/1997
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David Nye's Narratives and Spaces examines how photography, the railroad, electricity, space flight and the computer became central, yet often contradictory, parts of the way Americans construct and narrate their culture, whether as western settlers, consumers or tourists. The book provides an interdisciplinary perspective on topics at the centre of contemporary debate and draws on a wide range of cultural media.

This is a significant contribution to American cultural history, and like David Nye's previous award-winning books, is written to be accessible to a wide audience. It is the first volume in a new UEP series, Representing American Culture. This series exists to publish lively, accessible and up-to-date studies of the culture of the United States. Whether devoted to topics in popular, middlebrow or high culture, books in the series explore the ways in which ideological assumptions may be seen to be represented. The series is edited by Mick Gidley, Professor of American Literature at the University of Leeds.

Publisher: University of Exeter Press
ISBN: 9780859895569
Number of pages: 240
Weight: 415 g
Dimensions: 230 x 231 x 15 mm

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