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Music in the Horror Films of Val Lewton - Music and the Moving Image (Hardback)
  • Music in the Horror Films of Val Lewton - Music and the Moving Image (Hardback)

Music in the Horror Films of Val Lewton - Music and the Moving Image (Hardback)

Hardback 224 Pages
Published: 31/08/2022
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Val Lewton's horror films revolutionized a popular genre through a much-studied and still widely emulated visual style emphasizing shadows and absences. By denying audiences visual confirmation of horror, his reforms placed a fresh burden on the soundtrack of his films. This book offers a fine-grained study of the Lewton unit's transformational sonic style which introduced the first "jump scare," liberal use of pre-musique concrete, and an original orchestral score for every film in the series in violation of "B" movie norms. Their orchestral scores often exceed the conventions of film music as we hear the RKO Music Department ignoring instructions thus freeing their contributions to signpost the path toward each films' essential themes.

Publisher: Edinburgh University Press
ISBN: 9781474497022
Number of pages: 224
Dimensions: 234 x 156 mm

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