In a hard-boiled city of crooks, grifts and rackets lurk a pair of toughs: Box and _____. They're the kind of men capable of extracting apologies and reparations, of teaching you a chilling lesson. They seldom think twice, and ask very few questions.
Until one night over the poker table, they encounter a pulp writer with wild ideas and an unscrupulous private detective, leading them into what is either a classic mystery, a senseless maze of corpses, or an inextricable fever dream . . .
Drunk on cinematic and literary influence, Muscle is a slice of noir fiction in collapse, a ceaselessly imaginative story of violence, boredom and madness.
Publisher: Faber & Faber
ISBN: 9780571352227
Number of pages: 288
Weight: 230 g
Dimensions: 197 x 128 x 15 mm
Edition: Main
I liked the sound of this book, bought it, shelved it, finished another book and excitedly picked this one up.
Sadly I just couldn't get into it, the prose and the approach was pretty much impenetrable......
To begin with, it is my favourite book I've read in a long while. It's different, unusual. I could never predict what the next word was going to be, and that was the twisted beauty of it. I don't feel... More
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