This volume focuses on multicultural curriculum transformation in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics or STEM subject areas broadly, while also focusing on sub-content areas (e.g., earth science, digital technologies) in greater detail. The discussion of each sub-content area outlines critical considerations for multicultural curriculum transformation for the sub-content areas by grade level (early childhood and elementary school education, middle and/or junior high school education, and high school education) and then by organizing tool parameters: standards (both in a generalized fashion, and specific to Common Core State Standards, among other standards), educational context, relationships with and among students and their families, civic engagement, considerations pertaining to educational “ability” broadly considered (for example, for gifted and talented education, bilingual gifted and talented education, “regular” education, bilingual “regular” education, special education, bilingual special education), as well as relative to specific content and corresponding pedagogical considerations, including evaluation of student learning and teaching effectiveness. In this way, the volume provides a conceptual framework and concrete examples for how to go about multiculturally-transforming curriculum in STEM curricula.
The volume is designed to speak with PK-12 teachers as colleagues in the multicultural curriculum transformation work at focus in each subject area and at varied grade levels. Readers are exposed to “things to think about,” but also given curricular examples to work with or from in going about the actual, concrete work of curriculum change. It bridges the gaps between preparing PK-12 teachers to be able to 1) independently multiculturally adapt existing curriculum, and, 2) create new multicultural curriculum differentiated for their content areas and grade levels, while also, 3) providing ample examples of what such adapted and new differentiated curricula looks like. In so doing, this volume also bridges the gaps between the theory and practice of multicultural curriculum transformation in higher and PK-12 educational contexts.
Publisher: Lexington Books
ISBN: 9781498580519
Number of pages: 320
Weight: 590 g
Dimensions: 236 x 161 x 23 mm
It can easily be argued that curriculum—the ‘what’ we want students to know—is foundational in the education of any nation’s young people. Because knowledge is constructed, we also know that it’s contested. It is highly impacted by the political, social, and cultural context of education. Curriculum, then, is often at the cross-roads of intensive debates between those who wish to defend the traditional “canon” and those who wish to pursue a transformative curriculum that is rooted in principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion. The latter asks for a curriculum rooted in the lives of students, reflective of their social and cultural experiences, and responsive to the hopes and visions of families and communities of what it means to be educated. A significant critique of this vision of a critical multicultural curriculum is the disconnection between theoretical and conceptual understandings with actual classroom activity. Many teachers have not experienced nor been prepared to teach for diversity, equity, and inclusion. This volume provides a framework for understanding what a transformative multicultural education curriculum entails, connects it to specific content areas, and supports and encourages teachers in enacting that curriculum. This volume is especially critical at a time of often intense debates about what our nation’s students should learn. It offers a much welcomed, hopeful, visionary, and actionable curriculum for any teacher who wishes to pursue schooling for social justice. - Francisco A. Rios, Western Washington University
Enlightening teachers, families and communities about the intersection of Multicultural Education and Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) has become increasingly important in today’s technology driven society. Given the fact that our societies are becoming more diverse culturally and racially, and technological, this volume provides relevant knowledge and current practices involving the successful implementation of multicultural STEM PK-12 curriculum transformations. The authors emphasize practical and theoretical approaches on transforming mainstream and Eurocentric STEM curriculum to multicultural curriculum. This volume provides perspectives that are clearly missing in PK-12 STEM literature. The timely, innovative and important contributions by the authors answer fundamental questions about what is happening in PK-12 education on transforming STEM content that is more inclusive and representative of multicultural STEM curriculum so that all students benefit, and not just a few. - Sharon Tettegah, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Many students in our nation’s schools have inadequate grounding in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) compared to global nations. In addition, children of color, low income, females, and ability challenged students fall below other groups within our society. Understanding these shortcomings, this volume does an excellent job in sharing multicultural curricular strategies for STEM P-12 schooling. The resources presented in this volume reflect transformative approaches and flexibility that are also standards-based and teacher friendly. Furthermore, parent involvement is a critical element within the eight organizing tools of this volume and approaches such as, transforming family math night with Latinx middle school parents is one of the delightful highlights. These approaches provide greater opportunity in the STEM fields for social and cultural integration. Children are more successful in all subject areas when they are able to identify and embrace who they are and where they come from, across a wide spectrum of specific cultural characteristics. - Karen B. McLean Dade, Western Washington University
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