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Motivation to Learn: Transforming Classroom Culture to Support Student Achievement - Classroom Insights from Educational Psychology (Paperback)
  • Motivation to Learn: Transforming Classroom Culture to Support Student Achievement - Classroom Insights from Educational Psychology (Paperback)

Motivation to Learn: Transforming Classroom Culture to Support Student Achievement - Classroom Insights from Educational Psychology (Paperback)

(author), (author)
Paperback 240 Pages
Published: 13/05/2014
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Harness the power of motivation to transform the learning experience!

When properly channeled, motivation propels learning forward. Yet teachers across all grade levels and disciplines struggle to recognize and cultivate this dynamic, social force in the classroom. This essential resource proves that all students are motivated to learn, and provides authentic tools to create and sustain a classroom community that is highly engaged. You'll discover:

Reflection activities that promote student voice and self-efficacy as well as assess existing motivation levels Case studies and best practices based on current motivation theory and research Strategies to design meaningful learning tasks and build positive relationships with students and colleagues

This practical guide, aligned with Race to The Top Initiatives for teacher evaluation and Common Core Standards implementation, shows educators not only how to identify and harness motivation but also to sustain it over time. This is the one resource that will engage you in the thoughtful exploration of motivation and provide you with field-tested strategies that actively involving students, teachers and the whole school.

"The information and reflective exercises presented here allow a faculty to come together, tap into core beliefs, and create a culture of classroom motivation that energizes the entire school."
-Melanie Mares Sainz, Academic Coach
Lowndes Middle School, Valdosta, GA

Publisher: SAGE Publications Inc
ISBN: 9781412986717
Number of pages: 240
Weight: 140 g
Dimensions: 228 x 152 x 13 mm

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