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Monolith (Hardback)
  • Monolith (Hardback)

Monolith (Hardback)

(author), (artist)
Hardback 192 Pages
Published: 31/08/2021
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Sandra and her 2yr old son are driving the safest car ever built, the

Monolith. When they are forced to stop in the middle of the empty desert, Sandra

accidentally gets locked out of the car. Now, isolated from civilization, she

must save her son from a car designed to be an indestructible vault on wheels.

The sun is rising, heating the car's sheet metal, and time is running


A taught psychological thriller written by famed Italian

screenwriter Roberto Recchioni (ORPHANS) and beautifully painted by artist LRNZ

(GOLEM). With a wide range of visual styles mirroring the changing psyche of the

main character as she deals with her looming dilemma, this book is a cinematic

feast for the eyes.

Publisher: Magnetic Press
ISBN: 9781951719142
Number of pages: 192
Weight: 1247 g
Dimensions: 305 x 229 x 25 mm

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