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Mongol (Paperback)
  • Mongol (Paperback)

Mongol (Paperback)

4 Reviews Sign in to write a review
Paperback 180 Pages
Published: 16/01/2014
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Mongol [mong-gohl], noun, 1. a member of a pastoral people now living chiefly in Mongolia. 2. (offensive) a person affected with Down's Syndrome. Uuganaa is a Mongol living in Britain, far from the world she grew up in: as a nomadic herder she lived in a yurt, eating marmot meat, distilling vodka from goat's yoghurt and learning about Comrade Lenin. When her new-born son Billy is diagnosed with Down's Syndrome, she finds herself facing bigotry and taboo as well as heartbreak. In this powerful memoir, Uuganaa skilfully interweaves the extraordinary story of her own childhood in Mongolia with the sadly short life of Billy, who becomes a symbol of union and disunion, cultures and complexity, stigma and superstition - and inspires Uuganaa to challenge prejudice. Mongol is the touching story of one woman's transformation from outsider to fearless champion of love, respect and tolerance. It's a moving tribute by a remarkable woman to her beloved baby son, testifying to his lasting impact on a sometimes imperfect world.

Publisher: Saraband
ISBN: 9781908643414
Number of pages: 180
Dimensions: 198 x 129 mm


'A gripping read that will touch your heart... an enthralling tale, beautifully written. Moving and uplifting.' --Sheila Grant, NewBooks Magazine. 'An interesting narrative of considerable cultural insight and cross-cultural value.' --Colin Nicholson. 'Thought-provoking insight... honest and heart-wrenching.' --Penny Green, Down's Heart Group.

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“Intensely personal, deeply moving”

This short book is an intensely personal and deeply moving account of the author's journey from rural Mongolia to the west coast of Scotland. It is an engaging insight into grief and the close knit communities of... More

Paperback edition
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“Poignant, intriguing, courageous.”

A poignant story of personal strength with intriguing insight into cultural contrasts

This simply told story of one woman’s life from a nomadic, ger-living childhood in Mongolia, to university, Europe... More

Paperback edition
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“Laugh and cry”

Mongol is about memory, and about keeping memory alive. Uuganaa shares with us slices of her life, some in Mongolia, others in the UK.

The power of her writing means that we are there, inside the (true) story. In... More

Paperback edition
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