Misery (Paperback)
  • Misery (Paperback)

Misery (Paperback)

Paperback Published: 30/11/1998

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Publisher: Plaza & Janes S.A.
ISBN: 9788401499975

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“A good one”

A fantastic book with some very iconic moments. Paul Sheldon was a very interesting and, at times, funny character. Belongs in King's top ten novels to date.

Paperback edition
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“Action-packed scarethon!”

This book was difficult to read, but only because I had my hands over my eyes for a good portion of it. King is very adept at writing a pacy, scary tale and this did not disappoint. Recommended, but not at bedtime.

Paperback edition
Helpful? Upvote 99

“Classic King doing what he does best.”

A writer has an accident and is rescued by his biggest fan who demands he write a story for her. This is one of King's best novels, in which he creates one of his scariest villains.
Iconic, tense and horrifying,... More

Paperback edition
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