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Mining in Cornwall Vol 8: Camborne to Redruth (Paperback)
  • Mining in Cornwall Vol 8: Camborne to Redruth (Paperback)

Mining in Cornwall Vol 8: Camborne to Redruth (Paperback)

Paperback Published: 15/07/2013
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Cornwall is acknowledged internationally as the home of hard-rock mining and the cradle of the steam engine. The rich mineral deposits with which the county is historically endowed created the desire to seek the knowledge and skills to discover and mine them. Tin and copper were the most abundant metals to be found in their mineral form, though various metals such as lead, silver, zinc, to name but a few, were also mined in significant amounts. The landscape is dotted with the remains of former mine workings where tin and other minerals still exist. At the present time a number of mining companies are carrying out exploratory work due to the rising demand for metals. As part of a West of England mining field, the Hemerdon Wolfram mine in Devon is planning to be in production in the enar future, In this book, the latest in a series on Cornish mining history, the author protrays a photographic account of a group of mines in the Central Mining District, including the famous Dolcoath mine. This well-annotated volume, drawn from the Trounson-Bullen Collection, will be welcomed by all those with an interest in mining in the county of Cornwall.

Publisher: The History Press Ltd
ISBN: 9780752493107
Dimensions: 234 x 156 mm

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