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Microeconomics with Achieve Pack
  • Microeconomics with Achieve Pack

Microeconomics with Achieve Pack

(author), (author)
Mixed media product Published: 26/09/2021
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When it comes to explaining fundamental economic principles by drawing on current economic issues and events, there is no one more effective than Nobel laureate and New York Times columnist Paul Krugman and co-author, Robin Wells. In this best-selling introductory textbook, Krugman and Wells' signature storytelling style and uncanny eye for revealing examples will help you understand how economic concepts play out in our world. The new edition has been revised and enhanced throughout, including incisive new looks at long-run growth and at market power, and extensive coverage of the economic impacts and policy responses to the coronavirus pandemic. Microeconomics is supported by Achieve, which includes: - Animated pre-lecture tutorials and bridge questions will help you to understand core economic topics before going to class - Access to an eBook for easy reading and searching - LearningCurve adaptive quizzing offers practice questions to check your understanding and provides feedback to ensure you have grasped the concepts - Step-by-Step graphs and Work It Out activities allow you to work step-by-step through scenarios so that you can see economic principles in action

Publisher: Macmillan Learning
ISBN: 9781319389918
Dimensions: 235 x 155 mm
Edition: 1st ed. 2021

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