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Publisher: W F Howes Ltd ISBN: 9781004045198 Dimensions: 190 x 185 mm
Born Santa Palmer-Tomkinson, bestselling English novelist, Santa Montefiore always wanted to be a writer and spent her years at boarding school making up stories for her school friends. Her first novel, Meet Me Under the Ombu Tree, was inspired by her first trip to Argentina and several of her other novels are set there. Her fiction includes: The Gypsy Madonna, The House by the Sea, Secrets of the Lighthouse, Songs of Love and War, The Last Secret of the Deverills and The Temptation of Gracie. She has also co-authored the Royal Rabbits of London series with her husband, the historian and author Simon Sebag-Montefiore.
I am an avid fan of Santa Montefiore having read all her books. This is another passionate all in developing saga, spanning many decades and two continents. The characters draw you in from the very beginning, and as... More
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