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Marketing Management, Global Edition (Paperback)
  • Marketing Management, Global Edition (Paperback)

Marketing Management, Global Edition (Paperback)

(author), (author)
Paperback 832 Pages
Published: 30/04/2015
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For undergraduate and graduate courses in marketing management.


The gold standard for today's marketing management

Stay on the cutting-edge with the gold standard text that reflects the latest in marketing theory and practice.


The world of marketing is changing everyday--and in order for students to have a competittive advantage, they need a textbook that reflects the best  of today's marketing theory and practices. Marketing Management is the gold standard marketing text because its content and organization consistently reflect the latest changes in today's marketing theory and practice.


The Fifteenth Edition is fully integrated with MyMarketingLab and is updated where appropriate to provide the most comprehensive, current, and engaging marketing management text as possible.    

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3. If you have a course ID but no access code, you can benefit from MyMarketingLab at a reduced price by purchasing a pack containing a copy of the book and an access code for MyMarketingLab (ISBN:9781292092737)

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Publisher: Pearson Education Limited
ISBN: 9781292092621
Number of pages: 832
Weight: 1620 g
Dimensions: 275 x 210 x 30 mm

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