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Look Up: Our Story with the Stars (Hardback)
  • Look Up: Our Story with the Stars (Hardback)

Look Up: Our Story with the Stars (Hardback)

(author), (foreword)
Hardback 256 Pages
Published: 17/09/2020
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Waterstones Says

Reclaiming the importance and necessity of exploring the cosmos in a twenty-first century concerned with more Earthly matters, Cruddas’s impassioned history of our relationship with space is a triumph of scholarship and enthusiasm.  

‘Sarah Cruddas is a gifted writer and Look Up is an inspired book. I am hopeful that we will never stop looking up.’ Apollo 11 astronaut Michael Collins

Most of us have never been to space. To date, of the more than 100 billion humans that have ever existed, fewer than 600 humans have ever left Earth. But the exploration of space is the most significant thing we will ever do as a species.

Sarah Cruddas has been looking to the skies her entire life. Her childhood was spent staring at the Moon and hearing stories of the space race, and she worked in a fruit factory to fund her love of the subject. Her subsequent career studying astrophysics, and becoming a television host and space journalist has seen her report on space exploration and chase launches across the world. In Look Up Sarah explains why she has always been a passionate advocate for why space should matter – to everyone.

From our ancestors who first painted patterns of the stars in caves, to the US and Soviet pioneers who first forged a path beyond our planet, Sarah Cruddas explores the stories and sacrifices that humankind has made to understand more about our place in the universe. And even today, when Moon walking and people in space suits seem less relevant to us than climate change and conflicts here on Earth, she shows how everything from medicine to mobile phones is affected by space technology, and how a new generation of entrepreneurs have kick-started a new story with the stars.

This is an inspirational and enlightening introduction to the importance of space to everyone, and why we should all learn to Look Up.

Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers
ISBN: 9780008358273
Number of pages: 256
Weight: 460 g
Dimensions: 240 x 159 x 25 mm


‘Sarah Cruddas is a gifted writer and Look Up is an inspired book. I am hopeful that we will never stop looking up.’ Apollo 11 astronaut Michael Collins ‘If the Mars Rover landing left you breathless then try this new book by our Sarah Cruddas… she’ll inspire you further.’ Carol Vorderman ‘Full of optimism’ BBC Sky at Night Magazine   ‘Practical and philosophical’ Choice Magazine ‘Genuinely one of the best space books I’ve read. The inclusiveness, breadth of topic and level of description are brilliant, coupled with the important underlying messages… I was very inspired indeed.’ Mark Ling, RAF Red Arrows

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