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Living on the Edge: Breaking up to breakdown to breakthrough (Paperback)
  • Living on the Edge: Breaking up to breakdown to breakthrough (Paperback)

Living on the Edge: Breaking up to breakdown to breakthrough (Paperback)

Paperback 208 Pages
Published: 30/01/2002
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′This is a complex book. It offers clarification and a sense of reassurance, but does not intend to provide answers, and is not for those seeking concrete direction. This will be a powerful read for many in a place of loss, chaos or existential angst′ - Alison Cooper, Psychothearpy and Counselling

Drawing on sources as diverse as medical and psychological theory, anthropology, religious and spiritual tradition, art and poetry, experienced psychotherapist Elizabeth Wilde McCormick explores the different elements of the edge - the images, dangers, safe places, and offers a unique handbook which charts that often lonely and alien territory.

Publisher: Sage Publications Ltd
ISBN: 9780826467805
Number of pages: 208
Weight: 330 g

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