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Liberties Journal of Culture and Politics: Volume I, Issue 1 - Liberties Journal (Paperback)
  • Liberties Journal of Culture and Politics: Volume I, Issue 1 - Liberties Journal (Paperback)

Liberties Journal of Culture and Politics: Volume I, Issue 1 - Liberties Journal (Paperback)

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Paperback 420 Pages
Published: 28/01/2021
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Liberties - A Journal of Culture and Politics features new essays and poetry from some of today’s best writers and artists, along with introducing new talent, to inspire and impact the intellectual and creative lifeblood of culture and politics. This inaugural issue of Liberties includes: Michael Ignatieff on liberalism and the environment; Laura Kipnis cheers transgression; David Grossman on literature and peace; Ramachandra Guha on the Indian tragedy; Thomas Chatterton Williams on the real James Baldwin; Mark Lilla on the power of indifference; Helen Vendler on Yeats' The Second Coming; Sean Wilentz on abolition and American origins; Adam Zagajeweski on Gustav Mahler; James Wolcott on America’s modern Jacobins; Andrea Marcolongo on how language defines us; Eli Lake on the birth of American unexceptionalism; Sally Satel on the riddle of addiction; Moshe Halbertal on creating a democratic Jewish state; David Thomson on the wonder of Terrence Malick; Julius Margolin’s memoir confronting hatred; Clara Collier on plague literature; Shawn McCreesh’s personal look at a youthful community of addiction; new poetry from the most recent winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature, Louise Glück, Joshua Bennett, and Hannah Sullivan; and, Leon Wieseltier (editor) and Celeste Marcus (managing editor).

Publisher: Liberties Journal Foundation
ISBN: 9781735718705
Number of pages: 420
Weight: 51 g
Dimensions: 197 x 152 x 19 mm

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