Let Go of Emotional Overeating and Love Your Food: A Five-Point Plan for Success (Hardback)
Arlene B. Englander (author)Published: 25/07/2018
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Let Go of Emotional Overeating and Love Your Food is for anyone who would like to eat whatever they like, yet stop just at the point of satisfaction without overeating.
Written by a Columbia University trained psychotherapist and former emotional overeater, Let Go of Emotional Overeating and Love Your Food offers psychologically sound techniques for recognizing the symptoms of emotional overeating and methods for addressing it in ways that are both effective and enjoyable.
Readers will learn how to become aware of the difference between eating in a healthy way and eating emotionally – neither to satisfy hunger, nor for enjoyment, but in a desperate attempt to distract oneself from painful thoughts and feelings. Diets don’t work for people who eat through their emotions. Instead, learning to recognize the stressors that lead to emotional eating and to address those tensions through other methods besides eating is the goal. When we handle stress well away from the table, we’re free to relax and really savor our food when we choose to eat. Proven techniques like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) are presented in an innovative, easy-to-remember way. Learning to eat mindfully, for health and enjoyment, becomes the goal, and Arlene Englander walks readers through table techniques designed to make mindful eating easier, habitual, and ultimately second-nature.
Allowing for both fun foods and healthy foods, Englander’s approach emphasizes eating healthfully and being aware of best practices and the behavioral objectives of coping with stress, exercising regularly, mindful eating, good nutrition and hydration, and controlling overeating situations. She addresses late-night eating, parties, vacation, and other situations where overindulging may be a risk. She concludes with a prescription that is meant to last so that readers can love their food for a lifetime.
Publisher: Rowman & Littlefield
ISBN: 9781538111192
Number of pages: 184
Weight: 426 g
Dimensions: 235 x 160 x 22 mm
For those who use food to self-soothe, Englander’s approach to a healthier relationship with food might be a good fit. A psychotherapist and self-confessed compulsive overeater, Englander convincingly and appealingly observes that “it’s great to be free from dieting yet still be slim and fit.” In fact, throw out the concept of diets, which Englander says are counterproductive. Diets turn off “our awareness of hunger and satiety,” so instead, Englander focuses on learning how to savor meals. Englander asks thoughtful and probing questions throughout, while also making liberal use of anecdotes to provide encouraging and empirical examples of healthy behaviors. She puts forward the mnemonic device SELF (stress, exercise, love your food, fluids and healthy foods) as a way to remind oneself to make behavioral changes, such as not always totally clearing one’s plate, or learning to enjoy exercise. Quick discussions of how childhood affects lifelong attitudes toward food and how work environments can encourage overeating provide additional food for thought. Englander provides readers with a start on the right path to healthy eating. - Publishers Weekly
Licensed, practicing psychotherapist Englander provides the kind of mental support and exercises needed to conquer emotional habits. . . . [H]er combination of a well-written narrative and a plethora of patient anecdotes give readers a sense of hope and, more than likely, some different strategies. . . . Readers will appreciate Englander's cogent approach to an often difficult and disliked subject. - Booklist
Clear, accessible, and full of common-sense, this book can help you re-negotiate a love-hate relationship with food, undo patterns of emotional eating, and gain self-awareness and self-compassion. Arlene Englander will be your perfect guide. Her wisdom and experience spring forth from every page. - Hope Edelman, author of New York Times Best Seller, Motherless Daughters
Arlene Englander does a masterful job of translating complex emotions and belief systems into easy-to-understand language. Challenge yourself to be healthier and read this book! - Marshall Teitelbaum, MD, Atlantic Psychiatric Care
Let Go of Emotional Eating is a comprehensive, step-by-step guide to ending emotional eating once and for all. It teaches readers how to view food as pleasure and nourishment and offers simple strategies for stopping eating when full or satisfied. - Karen R. Koenig, M.Ed., LCSW, is a psychotherapist, blogger and international author of seven books on eating. Her website is http://www.karenrkoenig.com.
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