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Karate Kata and Applications: v. 4 (Paperback)
  • Karate Kata and Applications: v. 4 (Paperback)

Karate Kata and Applications: v. 4 (Paperback)

(author), (author)
Paperback 128 Pages
Published: 04/04/1991

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The Kata are a sequence of formal karate techniques which form the basis of each practice. All the techniques incorporate a range of difficulty so that each can be taught at varying stages of a student's career. Each move is illustrated and in this fourth volume six of the Shotokan Kata are covered. The Kata include Tekki Nidan, Tekki Sandan, Wankan, Meikyo, Bassai-Sho and Gojushiho-Dai and the text explains each sequence with an investigation of application. The authors concentrate not only on physical conditioning, but also on the correct mental and spiritual attitude for the application of karate.

Publisher: Cornerstone
ISBN: 9780091745899
Number of pages: 128
Weight: 325 g
Dimensions: 246 x 189 mm

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