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Illustrated Guide to Herbal Home Remedies: Simple Instructions for Mixing and Preparing Herbs for Traditional Remedies to Help Relieve Common Ailments, Shown in More Than 750 Photographs (Hardback)
  • Illustrated Guide to Herbal Home Remedies: Simple Instructions for Mixing and Preparing Herbs for Traditional Remedies to Help Relieve Common Ailments, Shown in More Than 750 Photographs (Hardback)

Illustrated Guide to Herbal Home Remedies: Simple Instructions for Mixing and Preparing Herbs for Traditional Remedies to Help Relieve Common Ailments, Shown in More Than 750 Photographs (Hardback)

Hardback 256 Pages
Published: 01/09/2009
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This safe, comprehensive and practical guide explores the powerful properties of herbs, shown

to offer a more gentle, therapeutic treatment of common conditions without the side effects of many modern drugs.

An introduction explains the history and how to work out safe and appropriate doses. There follows a detailed guide to herbs, and section on the various herbal approaches that can be used at home, from growing herbs to using essential oils. The core of the book shows common ailments and their symptoms, with advice and step-by-step sequences on how to treat them. The final section shows how to use herbs for beauty treatments, ranging from facial care to caring for teeth. Use this book to discover how to use herbal

treatments safely to treat the individual, everyday ailments that assail us all, as well as to stimulate our defences and boost our overall well-being.

Publisher: Anness Publishing
ISBN: 9780754818571
Number of pages: 256
Dimensions: 297 x 228 mm


This, the most recent of Houdret's 20 natural healing books, is beautifully presented as an oversized book filled with photographs. Short explanations of 40 conditions with formulas are presented on a 1-2 page spread, making for easy access. There is also a 235-herb directory with a short description, medicinal, culinary uses, and a few cultivation tips. Most are traditional English herbs, such as Indian physic, as well as some exotics like nutmeg. It would be nice to update the information with the inclusion of 'new' herbs like rhodiola. Also, curry plant is only profiled as a potpourri herb rather than for its current aromatherapy uses. Step-by-step instructions for making all sorts of herbal preparations are easy to follow thanks to accompanying photos. A prolific author, Houdret's books include the similar An Illustrated Encyclopedia of Herbs (Herb Society, 2010).

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