I Heart Me: The Science of Self-Love (Paperback)
Dr David R. Hamilton (author)Published: 13/02/2015
How much love do you have for yourself? Not the narcissistic 'Aren't I wonderful' kind of love, but the essential regard for self that empowers you and helps you navigate through life. The type of love that enables you to feel safe and secure in who you are and inspires you to make choices that are good for your authentic self.
When scientist David Hamilton realized that his own lack of self-love was sabotaging him in hundreds of subtle ways and more than a handful of major ways, he devised an experiment using himself as the guinea pig. For more than a year David studied the latest research into brain chemistry, neuroscience, and psychotherapeutic and personal development techniques. He realized that self-love was as much about biology as psychology - that self-worth is in our genes, but trained out of us. The biological drive to seek connection with others often leads us to try to be 'someone else' to win love and approval. But the brain can be reprogrammed, and David devised 27 powerful exercises that he tested on himself and presents in the book to help you:
· Increase your own level of self-worth
· Connect powerfully with your authentic self
· Attain a greater sense of happiness and general wellbeing
· Create stronger and more real connections with others
Publisher: Hay House UK Ltd
ISBN: 9781781801840
Number of pages: 272
Weight: 304 g
Dimensions: 216 x 135 x 19 mm
Why is this not required reading? Why is this not the first book we're handed in life? It definitely should be. -- Pam Grout, author of 17 books including New York Times bestseller E-Squared Very impressive. Red magazine You will be touched by the profound wisdom held in the pages of this book, and inspired by the simple ways in which you can achieve significant breakthroughs in your own self-love journey. Kindred Spirit It is guaranteed to make you feel better about yourself than you ever have before. No. 1 Magazine David Hamilton has the unique gift of combining spirituality and science in a simple but powerful way. Everyone must read his work! -- Suzy Greaves Psychologies In this inspirational and truly transformational new book, best-selling author David Hamilton fuses science with self-help to offer simple yet powerful strategies for learning to love yourself. Best You The book is packed with powerful exercises designed to increase your level of self worth, which will make you stronger and happier. Interesting and thought-provoking stuff. The Sun
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This is my favourite because the scientific evidence is convincing. If you also like to see some objective evidence, then this is likely to appeal.
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