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I Am Reading with CD: Mr Cool (Paperback)
  • I Am Reading with CD: Mr Cool (Paperback)

I Am Reading with CD: Mr Cool (Paperback)

(author), (illustrator)
Paperback 46 Pages
Published: 05/07/2012
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Mr Cool is going to be the best pop group ever . . .

Kevin wants to join Micky, Ricky and Nicky’s pop band but they are not sure he’s cool enough. Doesn’t Kevin realise that Gran-knitted jumpers with sheep and teddy bears on them aren’t the right kind of clothes for a pop star? Lucky for Kevin his Gran has a basement - the only place the boys have to practise – so he makes the group. The band does well but when big record boss Mr Rich offers them a deal he says they need to drop the odd guy with the jumpers. Will the band choose certain fame or will they give it up to keep Kevin in the group . . .?

Publisher: Pan Macmillan
ISBN: 9781447222064
Number of pages: 46
Weight: 141 g
Dimensions: 210 x 152 x 5 mm

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