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Hormone Replacement Therapy (Paperback)
  • Hormone Replacement Therapy (Paperback)

Hormone Replacement Therapy (Paperback)

(author), (author)
Paperback 175 Pages
Published: 31/10/2012

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This concise, easy to read title includes a range of key features that differentiate it from other titles on the topic, including: the co-authors are an internist and renowned gynecologist who are leaders in their fields. An interdisciplinary approach is used, acknowledging that sex hormones affect more than reproductive organs and hot flushes for a deeper understanding of how hormones function. The authors provide a breadth and depth of practical prescribing experience, combined with an understanding of the basic science and clinical studies that enriches the text. Demystification of controversial studies in the larger context will make practitioners more comfortable prescribing hormones. Many tables, call-out boxes, and algorithms are provided.

Publisher: Humana Press Inc.
ISBN: 9781603275729
Number of pages: 175
Dimensions: 210 x 133 mm
Edition: 2012

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