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History in Infographics: Ancient Egyptians - History in Infographics (Paperback)
  • History in Infographics: Ancient Egyptians - History in Infographics (Paperback)

History in Infographics: Ancient Egyptians - History in Infographics (Paperback)

Paperback 32 Pages
Published: 26/04/2018

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History in Infographics helps children to visualise facts and statistics using a clever and appealing mix of graphics and numbers. The colourful, high-impact design will appeal to a wide range of children, from visual learners to struggling readers, capturing and then holding their attention. Infographics are a really exciting, different way to learn about core historical topics, and are ideal for fact-hungry children, revision work, and to improve the quality of presentations.

History in Infographics: Ancient Egyptians allows children to explore Ancient Egypt like never before, finding out how people lived, what they ate, what they wore, how they were ruled, how they wrote in hieroglyphics and how they built pyramids. Children can discover Egyptian warfare, and how the ancient Egyptians came to control such a huge area of northern Africa and the Middle East, learn about Egyptian society, and find out about how they mummified their dead.

Ideal for children of 9+, and fact and history lovers of all ages, Ancient Egypt has never seemed more exciting!

Publisher: Hachette Children's Group
ISBN: 9780750291873
Number of pages: 32
Weight: 129 g
Dimensions: 246 x 188 x 6 mm

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