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Helmut von Werz: Ein Architektenleben – An Architect's Life 1912-1990 (Hardback)
  • Helmut von Werz: Ein Architektenleben – An Architect's Life 1912-1990 (Hardback)

Helmut von Werz: Ein Architektenleben – An Architect's Life 1912-1990 (Hardback)

(editor), (editor)
Hardback 280 Pages
Published: 13/10/2014
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Helmut von Werz founded his architecture office in Munich in 1946. He was joined by Johann Christoph Ottow, who became a partner in 1952. Erhard Bachmann and Michel Marx became partners in 1971. Several buildings designed by the firm were the object of controversy at their time due to their modernity and use of new materials. This was the case with the new building for the State Archaeological Collection in Munich, which was one of the first buildings to be realized with an envelope made of weathering Corten steel plates.

The spirit of post-war architecture is visible in Helmut von Werz’ work, which was defined by moderation and preservation, while remaining receptive to the influence of the avant-garde.

Publisher: Birkhauser
ISBN: 9783990436646
Number of pages: 280
Weight: 1594 g
Dimensions: 320 x 280 mm


„In der Monografie über Helmut von Werz wird der Geist der Nachkriegsarchitektur sichtbar." luxlumia 09/2014

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