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Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (Paperback)
  • Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (Paperback)

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (Paperback)

Paperback 816 Pages
Published: 01/09/2014
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Waterstones Says

In the thrilling fifth instalment of J. K. Rowling’s bestselling series, we find Hogwarts itself under threat. With the ominous Ministry of Magic seeking to gain further control over Harry’s school, and with a new cruel Headmistress at large too, Harry has to take a stand against the tyranny. But that means putting his loved ones in danger. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix brims with sinister twists and new unfathomable challenges for Harry and his companions. 

‘The headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix may be found at number twelve, Grimmauld Place, London.’

The wizarding world is divided; Lord Voldemort has returned in secret and not everyone believes Harry’s account of what happened to him in the final moments of the Triwizard Tournament. More alone than ever, Harry finds himself an enemy of The Ministry of Magic as it seeks to have an ever-more sinister control over Hogwarts. For the school is now under the governance of the ruthless, sugar-pink-clad, Dolores Umbridge who is intent on bringing her own brand of order to the school, using increasingly brutal methods. There are those who are fighting back, the secret society of The Order of the Phoenix but this puts those Harry loves most in mortal danger. At school, Harry and his friends must also learn to defend themselves against the enemy and Harry most of all, for Voldemort is stealing into his mind, and he is getting stronger. Only Harry’s enemy, Severus Snape, can teach him to protect himself but will he learn what he needs in time and will it be enough to stand against the deadliest of wizards?

As Harry enters his fifth year at Hogwarts, Waterstones beckons you to see the darker side of the wizarding world. Enter the Department of Mysteries, see what lies in Dumbledore’s most hidden memories and prepare to face the enemy within.

The Death Eaters are coming, who will stand and who will fall?

“The Harry Potter books have already created a corpus of modern legend that their young fans will remember long into their autumn years, not merely in the story they tell but in the phenomenon that has grown around them.” The Guardian

Harry Potter has been at the heart of Waterstones since the first copies of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone came into our hands. We’re delighted to share these new editions of the series, now entirely reimagined by one of our favourite writers and illustrators, Jonny Duddle. You can find out more about Jonny Duddle at

Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing PLC
ISBN: 9781408855690
Number of pages: 816
Weight: 653 g
Dimensions: 198 x 129 mm


I’ve yet to meet a ten-year-old who hasn’t been entranced by its witty, complex plot and the character of the eponymous Harry - Independent

Spellbinding, enchanting, bewitching stuff - Mirror

Teachers say a chapter can silence the most rowdy of classes - Guardian

One of the greatest literary adventures of modern times - Sunday Telegraph

The Harry Potter stories will join that small group of children’s books which are read and reread into adulthood - TLS

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“Brilliant Read”

I loved this book! Although heavily set in the Black's family home and not so much in Hogwarts, it still manages to capture the magical world of the other books. We also get a in depth look at the Ministry of... More

Paperback edition
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“Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix”

Okay, first let me get my rant out of the way. What is with Harry and his constant whining, moaning and whimpering, seriously. From the beginning of this book all he did was moan that people weren't telling him... More

Hardback edition
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“A good read”

This book is a good read, however as i knew what was going to happen i found myself getting frustrated at Harry when he makes certain decisions you know to be foolish and that seem rash and must seem obvious to Harry... More

Hardback edition
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