Google Maps Mashups with Google Mapplets (Paperback)
  • Google Maps Mashups with Google Mapplets (Paperback)

Google Maps Mashups with Google Mapplets (Paperback)

Paperback 100 Pages
Published: 25/04/2008
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Have a Google Maps mashup that you'd like to expose to millions of users on New to the mapping craze, but have an idea for a killer map–based application? Want to learn how to create GeoRSS and KML feeds with your geotagged content, exposing your customer to new ways of exploring and navigating your content?

Google Maps Mashups with Google Mapplets

  • Is the first book to cover Google's Mapplet technology
  • Shows you how to create Google Maps–based applications and publish to
  • Provides a single–source resource and practical guide to Mapplets and mashups
  • Teaches you how to mash up Mapplets using location–specific data
  • Includes examples of real–world applications

Publisher: Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG
ISBN: 9781430209959
Number of pages: 100
Dimensions: 235 x 191 mm
Edition: 1st ed.

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