Golf: The Art of the Mental Game: 100 Classic Golf Tips (Hardback)
  • Golf: The Art of the Mental Game: 100 Classic Golf Tips (Hardback)

Golf: The Art of the Mental Game: 100 Classic Golf Tips (Hardback)

(author), (illustrator), (editor), (foreword)
Hardback 224 Pages
Published: 21/03/2016

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Dr. Parent has drawn on a career coaching the masters to write a hundred simple yet powerful tips for improving any golfer's score, from the essentials of the mental game to helpful hints to keep your composure. Each of Dr. Parent's texts is accompanied by insightful illustrations compiled from the Ravielli archives, which balance the physical instruction and mental practice that can keep your swing and your attitude working in perfect harmony. Mirroring the unique structure of Dr. Parent's personal lessons, Golf: The Art of the Mental Game moves from the mind to the body, from mental approach through discipline in practice to action on the links.

Publisher: Universe Publishing
ISBN: 9780789324511
Number of pages: 224
Weight: 345 g
Dimensions: 199 x 133 x 20 mm

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