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Goldenclaw - Spynosaur 2 (Paperback)
  • Goldenclaw - Spynosaur 2 (Paperback)

Goldenclaw - Spynosaur 2 (Paperback)

(author), (illustrator)
Paperback 208 Pages
Published: 09/03/2017
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From a land before time comes a hero for today ... Spynosaur - he's going to make crime extinct! A hilarious new series from award-winning author Guy Bass, perfect for fans of My Brother is a Superhero, The Astounding Broccoli Boy, Darkmouth and Hamish and the Worldstoppers. When Spynosaur locks up the last of the world's worst criminal masterminds, all that's left are a string of disappointingly undemanding novelty villains. With no one worthy of his super-spy skills, Amber's worried that Spynosaur might give up spying altogether. Even Goldentoe, their last hope of a dastardly villain, admits to only pretending to be evil to win the heart of Shady Lady. Frantic that her dad has lost the will to spy, Amber convinces Goldentoe to make himself a more desirably dangerous suitor. With the help of the Science Ray and a sample of Spynosaur's DNA, Goldentoe transforms himself into Goldenclaw, a formidable half-man, half dinosaur far more powerful than Spynosaur, and intent on a spot of world-ending asteroid flinging...

Publisher: Little Tiger Press Group
ISBN: 9781847157782
Number of pages: 208
Dimensions: 198 x 129 x 15 mm

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