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God of Violence Yesterday, God of Love Today?: Wrestling honestly with the Old Testament (Paperback)
  • God of Violence Yesterday, God of Love Today?: Wrestling honestly with the Old Testament (Paperback)

God of Violence Yesterday, God of Love Today?: Wrestling honestly with the Old Testament (Paperback)

Paperback 176 Pages
Published: 24/05/2019
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Do you find the violence in the Old Testament a problem?

Does it get in the way of reading the Bible – and of faith itself?

While acknowledging that there are no easy answers, in God of Violence Yesterday, God of Love Today?, Helen Paynter faces the questions head-on and offers a fresh, accessible approach to a significant issue. For all those seeking to engage with the Bible and gain confidence in the God it portrays, she provides tools for reading and interpreting biblical texts, and points to ways of dealing with the overall trajectories of violence.

'In lucid prose Helen Paynter argues that violence featured in the biblical canon should not be ignored or denied but acknowledged and faced honestly. While history is played out in a broken and often violent world the author shows how the movement of scripture is toward God’s creative intention for healing and wholeness. Without providing final answers Paynter offers ways of interpreting even the most violent passages so that we may hear God’s word for today.' John Meredith, Editor of Word & Worship

'A rigorous yet accessible exploration of Old Testament violence ideal for individuals or groups wishing to engage with these troubling texts and the issues they raise. I would wholeheartedly recommend this book to anyone interested in the questions it explores. If you are new to the subject, it offers a comprehensive introduction and the reassurance that you are being guided by a capable and safe pair of hands as you begin to engage with challenging and important issues.' Peter King, Diocese of Chichester

Publisher: BRF (The Bible Reading Fellowship)
ISBN: 9780857466396
Number of pages: 176
Weight: 198 g
Dimensions: 198 x 130 x 20 mm

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