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Globalization and Language in Contact: Scale, Migration, and Communicative Practices - Advances in Sociolinguistics (Paperback)
  • Globalization and Language in Contact: Scale, Migration, and Communicative Practices - Advances in Sociolinguistics (Paperback)

Globalization and Language in Contact: Scale, Migration, and Communicative Practices - Advances in Sociolinguistics (Paperback)

(editor), (editor), (editor)
Paperback 304 Pages
Published: 29/12/2011
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This book examines the impact of globalization on languages in contact, including the study of linkages between the global and local, and transnational and situated communication. It engages with social theory and social processes while grappling with questions of language analysis raised by globalized language contact. Drawing on case studies from North America, Europe and Africa, the volume makes three important contributions to contemporary sociolinguistics by: * arguing that concepts of scale and space are essential for understanding contemporary sociolinguistic phenomena * showing that the transnational flows and movements of peoples highlight the problem and work of identity in relation to both place and time * addressing methodological challenges raised by different approaches to the study of globalization and language contact. This cutting-edge monograph featuring research by renowned international contributors will be of interest to academics researching sociolinguistics, and language and globalization.

Publisher: Continuum Publishing Corporation
ISBN: 9781441129246
Number of pages: 304
Dimensions: 234 x 156 mm
Edition: NIPPOD

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